Hey mama...
I know you're ready to be impossible to ignore in a sea of sameness...
Hey mama...
Live Monday, March 4 - Thursday, March 7, 1:30 PM EDT
And as we move into another year of MRR opportunities and more and more people discovering the online business space - you might be wondering what the heck WILL work to keep yourself booked out and your revenue up when everyone and their mother seems to be doing what you do!
Avengers, Assemble Your Steps!
Intimately get to know your client like never before so you have your dream clients DMing you "OMG are you in my head right now?"
Narrow down your must-have steps of your framework so you're not overwhelming your audience
Discover the perfect framework type for your business, based on your offer suite and sales plan
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Name and Claim Your Framework
Craft a captivating name for your signature framework
Creating a visual for your framework that your client just "gets" and that does the marketing and selling FOR YOU
Harness the power of your framework's message to attract dream clients
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Sell With Your Framework - Turn Prospects into Raving Fans
Discover how to infuse your framework into your content pillars seamlessly - so when people find you on social media they're already sold on how you help them - making them hot and ready to buy.
Master the art of pitching with your unique framework, whether in a webinar, a sales email or a discovery call
Create a strategic content plan to maximize your impact and make more sales
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Leverage Your Framework for More Sales, Simplicity, and Scalability!
Leverage your framework to create your signature premium offer and raise your rates
My exact script for transitioning to a pitch on a sales call or after a live training
How to use YOUR framework and MY CEO MOMS Method to create a scalable and sustainable business as a busy mom
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Fusce commodo turpis quis velit interdum cursus
This free challenge is perfect for the business mom who:
Knows how to "make money" but just wants to be able to increase her income without increasing her work hours
Is tired of being a best-kept-secret and wants to be known as the go-to in her industry
Knows she’s meant for BIG things with her business, but is just a little stuck on the how and what to REALLY scale consistently.
Is ready to massively up-level her mindset, her business model and her revenue in 2024 and create a plan that actually WORKS with her lifestyle
*In order to receive the replays of these live trainings, you must register to attend.
The trainings take place inside a private group, where the recordings will also be held for all registered attendees.
Online service providers
When I'm not doing laundry (okay, I'm never not doing laundry) and whipping up random delicious baked goods for my husband and 5 kiddos (#6 coming in June!), I'm coaching my clients to hit their first (and next) 6 figure years, add on more leveraged streams of income, and free up more of their time in an aligned, sustainable way!
Using my proven strategies, systems and offers, I achieved my biggest months EVER . . . while pregnant, postpartum, juggling 5 kids, and working 2-4 hours a day.
I’ve had 4 six (and multi-six)-figure years in a row, as a service provider and then as as coach and course creator - and I only work 4 days a week.
I PROMISE you that having your framework will give you SO much clarity and direction on how to market yourself more effectively, pitch your offer with confidence, and create content and copy that draws your ideal clients in like Swifties to an ERAs tour.
xxx Yael
Powerhouse CEO Productions
For Support Issues or Questions, Please Email Us at support@yaelbendahan.com